On April 5th, the 2020 CARA Awards were presented virtually live on the official CARA Awards Facebook page. While this was the first year ever in CARA history that there wasn't a physical awards ceremony, it was the first year that my work could be in the running for awards. I'm very pleased and excited to announce that I received 12 nominations for projects I worked on, and two of those nominees won the award with one award receiving a runner-up! Below is a list of the nominations with the winners in bold and the runner-up in italics, all of which I edited the vocals and drums. I'm so proud that my work is being recognized and I cannot wait to continue my work in a cappella.
Best Scholastic Debut: Unstoppable by Trebellious
Best Hip Hop song: Threatened by Eight Beat Measure
Best R&B song: Hollow by Eight Beat Measure
Best Religious song: Have God by Take 7
Best Show Tune: Frozen Heart by Naughty Scotty and the Octapella
Best European Album: Telos by Aquapella
Best High School Album: Beyond a Star by Naughty Scotty and the Octapella
Best High School Arrangement: Kali from Falconize for “Chasing Tides”
Best Male Collegiate Album: Identity by Eight Beat Measure
Best Male Collegiate Solo: Derek from Eight Beat Measure for “Evil” on Identity
Best Mixed Collegiate Album: Telos by Aquapella
Best Mixed Collegiate Solo: Midnight by Aquapella
Excited to see what the rest of 2020 has in store for me!